Which laptop last longest?

Best Battery Life Laptops of 2024 - CNET

With a battery life of more than 21 hours, the latest 16-inch MacBook Pro is the longest-running laptop we've tested in the last year. That's an outstanding figure for any laptop and particularly so given the large, high-resolution display that the battery must power.Mar 12, 2024
Source : https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/best-battery-life-laptops-2024/

What are 5 important things to consider when buying a computer?

Top 7 Things To Consider When Buying A New Computer To Avoid ...

Here are the top seven things to consider before you put down your hard-earned money on a new computer.1.The Amount of Memory (RAM) ... User Reviews for Longevity. ... Whether the PC is for Personal or Business Use. ... The Processor Used. ... For Laptops: The Case Type. ... Storage Capacity. ... Hard Drive Type.More items...•Dec 13, 2022
Source : https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/top-7-things-consider-when-buying-new-computer-avoid-

What is military grade laptop?

Military Rugged Laptops & Portable Mil-Spec Laptop Computers

Military grade laptops are specifically designed to withstand the harsh operating conditions experienced in operational and combat zones, and must meet stringent environmental, performance and security requirements to ensure reliable performance and safeguard data from unauthorized access.
Source : https://www.defenseadvancement.com/suppliers/rugged-laptops-notebooks/

What are the disadvantages of a Chromebook laptop?

What are the advantages & disadvantages of Chromebooks

Storage Capacity: Chromebooks usually don't have a lot of storage space built in. They tell people to store their files in the cloud, but some people might need more local storage for some chores. Support for tools: Chromebooks might not work with all external devices or tools that work well with other OSes.Nov 20, 2023
Source : https://blog.edupassport.io/2023/11/what-are-the-advantages-disadvantages-of-chromebooks/

Is a 1000 dollar laptop worth it?

The 5 best laptops under $1,000 - CBS News

If you're just looking for a computer to handle everyday tasks, and you don't need to see the most high-resolution and detailed graphics, then a laptop priced below $1,000 will serve you well. A budget laptop can easily handle everyday computing and, for the most part, be as reliable as more expensive computers.Apr 16, 2024
Source : https://www.cbsnews.com/essentials/best-laptops-under-1000/

What are the disadvantages of a Chromebook laptop?

What are the advantages & disadvantages of Chromebooks

Storage Capacity: Chromebooks usually don't have a lot of storage space built in. They tell people to store their files in the cloud, but some people might need more local storage for some chores. Support for tools: Chromebooks might not work with all external devices or tools that work well with other OSes.Nov 20, 2023
Source : https://blog.edupassport.io/2023/11/what-are-the-advantages-disadvantages-of-chromebooks/